Source Monitor and Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline with Editing Commands

Here in this post, you will understand the most important basics of Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline, Source Monitor and the editing Commands. Read our previous posts in the Adobe tutorial category to understand this concept better.

Source Monitor

Source monitor plays an important role while editing. In fact, you can do 35% of editing in source monitor itself. Source monitor display the media files which are present in the project panel. So how can you utilize it for editing? here you’ll find few buttons and shortcuts which helps you in editing. Now I’ll show you how to exactly use it.

Adobe Premiere Pro Source Monitor

Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline

The Adobe Premiere Pro timeline is the place where you actually work with the software. Here you work with the media files which you have imported in the project panel. Timeline consists of multiple audio and video tracks onto which you insert media files and the result will be displayed in program monitor..they play the same role like layers in adobe photoshop.

To work in the timeline you need to have sequence and to open sequence you can click new sequence from the file menu or you can directly right click on the media file and select new sequence from the clip.

A sequence is a series or chain of video clips or graphics that play one after another.

You can have up to 99 video tracks, 99 audio tracks.


You can zoom in and zoom out of the timeline using =and-keys

If you press/key this will toggle the zoom level between your current setting and showing your whole sequence.

You can also drag a sequence into the source monitor to use it as if it were a clip.

  • If you hover your mouse above tracks, then you can scroll with your mouse itself to navigate earlier or later in the sequence.
  • hold the Alt key while scrolling with your mouse, the timeline view will zoom in or out.
  • hover your mouse over a video or audio track header and scroll while holding the shift key you’ll increase or decrease the height of all tracks of that type.
  • If you hover your mouse over a track header and scroll, you’ll increase or decrease the height of that track.
  • hold the control key while you scroll to adjust track height, you’ll have a finer control.

Track Indicators

Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline track indicators work when rendering video effects or making selections of the timeline, but they don’t affect the adding or placing clips to a sequence, but only the source track indicators do.

A blue highlight indicates a track is enabled.

If you have a / key, you can use it to add in and out marks to the timeline based on clips you have selected.
CTRL+SHIFT+I (win) or ALT+I (Mac) : remove in mark ( clear in) ; CTRL+SHIFT+O (win) or ALT+O(Mac): remove out mark ; CTRL+SHIFT+X (win) or ALT+X (Mac) : clear in & out.

To add a button to the track header, drag the button from the button editor onto a track header. You can remove a button from the track header anytime by dragging it away.
You can always switch your linked selections on and off on the timeline simply by clicking the linked selection button at the top left of the timeline.

Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline

Editing commands

Source monitor has insert & overwrite buttons for adding clips. Program monitor has equivalent extract & lift button for removing clips from the sequence.

The default timeline tool is selection tool. This tool has the keyboard shortcut V.

If you want to select every clip on a track, there are two handy tools. Track select forward tool, keyboard shortcut A. Backward tool, which has the keyboard shortcut `Shift + A’.

Pressing Alt key (win) option (Mac) and clicking on the linked video & audio file selects the audio or video individually.

Pressing Alt &click and dragging the clip makes copies.

You can split clips in several ways.

A. Use the razor tool keyboard- C. If hold shift key while clicking the razor tool, you’ll add an edit.
B. Select the timeline and go to sequence menu and choose Add Edit.
C. Use the add Edit keyboard shortcut- Ctrl+ K (win) Command + K ( Mac), to add an edit to selected tracks and clips shift+ Ctrl+ K (win) Shift+ Command + K( Mac).

Timeline Editing Commands

When snapping is enabled, clip segments snap automatically to each other’s edges.

It’s very common to move clip segments from inside a sequence by using the arrow keys in combination with an Alt key and Shift key for 5 frames forward and 5 frames backward.

A lift edit will remove the selected part of the sequence, leaving blank space.

An extract edit will remove the selected area of your sequence in the timeline and does not leave a gap.

Pressing the delete key removes the selected clip, leaving a gap behind.

Pressing Shift + Delete removes the selected clip without leaving a gap.

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