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Basics of Adobe Premiere Pro

Basics of Adobe Premiere Pro

In this post, you’ll understand the most important and Basics of Adobe Premiere Pro, Please read my previous posts before starting this.


To start working with adobe premiere pro first you need to create a project….its same like how you save your files of ms word or photoshop for further edits. To create a new project you have to choose a project from a new section in the welcome screen. Open recent category contains the shortcuts of project files for which you have worked recently. After selecting a new project you have to give a name for your project file and save in a location…you’ll find two tabs below…general and scratch disks…if you want to change the display format of video and audio or change renderer type or change the capture method you can do in general tab and in scratch disks tab you’ll need to give locations for saving premiere pro files but for now, leave these two tabs and click ok

That’s it! you have created a premiere pro file which is found in the extension of .prproj successfully let’s go the next step.



After creating a project now you have to import the media files in project panel to work on and there are various ways to import the files….best is to follow shortcut ctrl+I 2nd method is by selecting import option from file menu 3rd method is to right click in project panel and select import option, there is one more interesting option to import your media files that is by using media browser panel in premiere pro…it is similar to the file explorer which you see when import dialogue box opens….in this media browser just go to the file which you want to import and right click and select import. So this is how you import your media files in adobe premiere pro and now in next Post, we will organize the files.

Organizing media

Organizing media is very important particularly when you work in a professional environment with a team but many beginners ignore this step, but when they start working in a team they have to follow this. If it is followed from now itself then you’ll be not facing any problems when you work in a company with a team. Organizing means not just naming, in this Post, I will explain how to use bins, and few methods that make you stay organized….first lets talk about project panel.. everything you import in adobe premiere pro is found in project panel only and it also provides some excellent tools for browsing clips and working with their metadata…in project panel you can create special folders known as bins which is similar to new folders in windows.

Here we create bins with the names of scenes and distribute the clips to the bins related to those scenes. After completing this, we gonna open each video and rename it with the no. and dialogue of the shots of that particular scene. We can even create sub-bins in bins like how to create a new folder in the open folder……doing all this might take some time now but definitely saves a lot of hours later in hunting the files which you before starting the work stay organized. In next Post, you will be taught how to create a sequence and start working on the timeline.

So, now you understood the Basics of Adobe Premiere Pro

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