In this post, you will understand Regular and Advanced Trimming methods in Adobe Premiere Pro. Before starting, please read our Previous Posts.
You can adjust the length of a clip in a sequence in several ways. This process is generally called Trimming.
Regular trimming means making a single clip short or longer and it’s very easy.
A regular trimming is also known to as a single-sided or overwrite trimming.
By using the ripple edit too, You can avoid creating gaps when trimming.
Observe that when you are using the ripple edit tool, the program monitor display the last frame of the 1st clip on the left and the 1st frame of the 2nd clip on the right. On the left half of the program monitor, Watch the moving edit position
You can temporarily use the selection tool as a ripple edit tool by holding CTR (win) or cmd (Mac).
With a rolling edit, the overall length of the sequence does not change. Instead, a rolling edit shortens one clip and lengthens anther clip at the same time. The rolling edit trimming is sometimes referred to as a double or dual roller trimming.
When trimming it’s possible to trim a clip to a zero duration (removing it from the timeline).
When performing a ripple edit, you can knock items other tracks out of sync. Use the sync locks with care when ripple trimming.
The slide edit is a special kind of trim. It is a time saver in some situations. The slide tool helps by leaving the duration of the clip you’re sliding unchanged. It’s another form of dual roller trim. Slide edit tool shortcut (U).
A slip trim (Y) change the In and Out points of a sequence or timeline at the same time, with the same amount, rolling the visible contents in the position. It’s the same as rolling trims & slide trims.
Slip trim changes only the clip you select.